VNF Accounting has partnered with Hammock - the property finance platform for UK landlords
VNF Accounting has partnered with Hammock - the property finance platform for UK landlords
Take the stress out of your property finances. Hammock gives landlords reminders and alerts for all property-related payments and deadlines. You will have 24/7 access to your property finances and easy prompts to keep your books in order. All you need to do is to add your property to the platform, connect your bank account and leave the rest to us.
Benefits of using Hammock:
Automated bookkeeping
Real-time information 24/7
Buy to let investment insides
Web and mobile app access from the Apple Store or Google Play
We offer this brilliant platform for FREE

Accounting Services for Landlords
Accounting Services for Landlords
Unfortunately, landlord accounting is becoming an increasingly complex area of tax and legislation. Even experienced landlords risk being caught out by the April 2020 changes to finance costs tax relief, for instance. So it’s understandable that many property owners are being discouraged from renting out their property – landlord accounting is tricky to navigate.
That’s where VNF Accounting steps in. We specialise in this area of tax and can provide a comprehensive service, ensuring you stay compliant and tax efficient.
Whether you’re a professional landlord or you only rent out a property as a side business, you may benefit from managing your property as a business. Did you know that even if you don’t turn a profit as a landlord, you must still declare your income as a landlord and you are required to register for self-assessment and complete annual tax returns?
Prices for UK landlords
TAX RETURNS Single owner Two joint owners
(e.g. husband and wife)
One property from £195 from £320
Two properties from £220 from £350
Three properties from £255 from £470
Four or more properties - Contact us for a fixed fee quote
Get in touch for a free, no-obligation consultation today